Connections of Health Lecture - Powerpoints ONLY

Twenty-five years of research into the wonders of chiropractic and expressive healthcare have been distilled into the most unique, informative and inspiring chiropractic presentation for patients and prospective patients – designed specifically for use by chiropractors to educate the public on chiropractic’s unique role in healthcare. With this presentation you will give patients unique information they simply will not get anywhere else – information that is life-changing.

Thousands of hours have been spent reviewing chiropractic and biomedical journals, government documents, videos and books on this subject. The voluminous material collected has been distilled into these three convenient, easy-to-give presentations.

There are thousands of people in your community who are hungry for good, accurate, well-referenced and convincing healthcare information.

These presentations give you an opportunity to teach people about chiropractic and natural healthcare on a more profound level than ever before. It is an excellent practice-building tool.

The Connections of Health Lecture includes:

Three PowerPoint™ presentations on one CD: 20, 40 and 70 minute presentations (times approximate). 

Qty: Price: Units:
1+ $99.95 each

Qty: each