Intro booklet with Free Wellness Folders

Report of Findings Special
Free Pack of 25 Wellness Report Folders

when you buy 1 pack of 50
Chiropractic: Bringing Out the Best in You! booklets

A savings of $34.50

Package includes:
25 each of the Wellness Report Folder

item WRF03 (English)

3 panels, 9" x 12" folded with a 3.5" pocket inside.

50 each Chiropractic: Bringing Out the Best in You!
booklets -
item B921
Comprehensive introduction to chiropractic, 8 1/2” x 11”,
38-page book covers all the pertinent chiropractic topics.


Qty: Price: Units:
1+ $134.00 packs of 50

Qty: packs of 50
B921-WRF03FS - with Spanish Wellness Folders
Qty: Price: Units:
1+ $158.50 $124.00 Packs of 50

Qty: Packs of 50